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Teachify 是專注在協助內容創作者、講師輕鬆建立線上課程、數位內容網站的架站軟體服務。採用 Teachify 能讓你如虎添翼。
於是,當年的我們開始想像,如果我們能將我們的熱情與專業,一點一滴打造出 Teachify,為「你」做些什麼,為這個世界做些什麼,肯定很有趣、很有意義,也很有價值!
從我們決定走上創業之路迄今已超過 1,500 個日子,直到現在的每一天,看到並肩前行的企業品牌以及創作者們持續成長,我們的心情就如同剛走上創業之路的第一天,無比振奮、一樣熱血、充滿期待。
We're a multi-cultural team from around the world! We come from diverse backgrounds, bringing different personalities, experiences and skills to the job. This is what makes our team so special..
We're a multi-cultural team from around the world! We come from diverse backgrounds, bringing different personalities, experiences and skills to the job. This is what makes our team so special.
Astroship is built by these awesome individuals.